Stealing Spree

Chapter 502: Updating them
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Chapter 502: Updating them


As I began my walk towards the station, I also began sending messages not only to Akane and Yae but also to everyone. There were Elizabeth and the others with us earlier asking whether I already arrived home. There were also Haruko, Kana and the others who were curious about my part-time job.

Himeko also updated me about that task they did. She even sent a photo of her along with her sister andā€¦ the famous singer, Asahi.

True to my expectation, if I went with them earlier to the hotel, I would probably run into her.

In any case, I acted innocently about that and congratulated the two for completing the task magnificently.

According to Himeko, the couple that was occupying the best room of their hotel rejected the transfer to another room at first. Theyā€™re on their honeymoon so thatā€™s an expected response.

However, when Itou heard that the two were about to go to Asahiā€™s concert, the girl formulated a plan that led to the situation where everyoneā€™s happy.

Since Himeko only summarized what exactly happened, I could only guess that it was a tricky plan that involved informing the two about the VIP who was going to occupy their room had they agreed.

Just thinking about it, it should be complicated. If the two posted about that information on their social media accounts then the privacy of Asahi would be compromised once more.

For the sisters to accomplish the task without that happening could be applauded.

Thatā€™s why I videocalled Himeko immediately to praise her for a job well done while I was on the way to the train station.

Itou, who was probably in the same room as her, peeked curiously when the call connected and as expected, she immediately had her brows furrowed upon noticing that it was me.

The differences we already settled during that date were back to how they were before once she became aware of what Himeko and I did inside that bathroom stall.

Nonetheless, since sheā€™s also there, I extended my praise to her. Himeko was happy when she heard me praising her as if that was the first time someone praised her for what she did. And even though she still looked upset, Itou also accepted it as she waved her hair confidently.

Well, based on their reaction, their father most likely seldom praised themā€¦ Is every rich familiesā€™ father that cold-hearted? Thereā€™s also Otohaā€™s father as an example. But unexpectedly, both of their grandfathers were amiable. Otoha was relieved from being a piece they could use as long as her grandfatherā€™s alive and Himeko was also protected by her grandfather.

In any case, after we talked about what happened on both our sides when we separated after the date, Himeko bid me take care before ending the call. noššŸešš•eaššœšš.ššŒom

Following that, I moved back to checking the other unread messages and replying to them until I reached the train station.

Like I thought, when the train arrived, I was notified that it was already the last trip. If I stayed longer with Aika, I would be stranded here or I could check the bus stations if there were still buses that were running.

As I sat inside the train, thereā€™s no one around me anymore. Itā€™s the last trip so the passengers had already dwindled to the point that inside the train car I entered, thereā€™s only three of us.

Due to that, I picked the corner seat and resumed fiddling on my phone.

A minute after the train began moving, I reached Satsukiā€™s message informing me about the result of their practice matchā€¦

They won once more. The girl even sent stickers and photos about how happy her teammates became. They actually dominated the match that ended with their lead reaching more than 20 points.

According to Satsuki, she played during the entirety of the first half and she was praised for the blocks and rebounds she made for the team.

Even though itā€™s only a long message from Satsuki, I could feel her happiness through it.

And seeing her photo wherein sheā€™s cheerfully smiling along with her teammates, itā€™s enough for me to be extremely proud of her. The girl truly loved basketball and as always, a good result will make anyone that happy.

Although I planned to bring Himeko to go and watch that practice match, that plan was shelved because the schedule of their practice match was moved up to late afternoon. Moreover, my date with Himeko was cut short. Even if it started while weā€™re still together, thereā€™s not enough time to watch it in its entirety.

I informed Satsuki about it earlier and she laughed it off. She originally didnā€™t want us to come after all. Their opponents were from another city so just the travel time to that place would take another hour at most.

Either way, just like with Himeko, I immediately videocalled Satsuki to say my congratulations personally rather than by only messaging her.

When the call connected, I was once again welcomed by the same scene as before, their bathroom.

Satsuki was smirking as her whole body was submerged in the tub except for her head and the hand she was holding the phone with.

I noticed that her whole face was already colored pink and was on its way to turning red from the heat of the tub. And that meant sheā€™s inside it for a while now.

Fortunately, I was in the corner and there were no other passengers near me so I only playfully smiled as my response to that smirk.

ā€œYouā€™re not panicking today? Thatā€™s new.ā€

ā€œAs you can see, no oneā€™s around. I am the only one who can see thisā€¦ sexy scenery.ā€

ā€œAnd I waited here knowing that you will eventually call me.ā€ Satsuki clicked her tongue annoyedly.

ā€œOh? I see. You intentionally waited for me thereā€¦ This girl, donā€™t pass out there.ā€

ā€œPass out? Thatā€™s not gonna happen. But if you insistā€¦ pull me out of here.ā€

ā€œIs this my Satsukiā€™s way to tell me she misses me?ā€

ā€œDream on, pervert Ruki. I never said I miss you.ā€ Satsuki's redness was intensified as she turned her head away, acting like a true tsundere.

ā€œNo? Alright. I still miss my Satsuki even though she said she doesnā€™t miss me.ā€ I put on a lonely expression with my eyes drooped down.

And upon seeing that, Satsuki facepalmed as if she couldnā€™t resist seeing me with this expression.

However, she still steeled herself to not give in. ā€œUghā€¦ Idiot, I wonā€™t fall for that.ā€

I called her to congratulate her but we ended up teasing each other instead.

In any case, I wouldnā€™t just back down. I always want to see the girl flustered and blushing soā€¦ I decided to continue teasing her.

ā€œYou wonā€™t fall, huh. But Satsuki, you have already fallen for me, right?ā€

ā€œIdiot. Thatā€™s another topic!ā€

ā€œItā€™s still about us so itā€™s connected.ā€

With that kind of response, Satsuki was defeated.

Following that, she lowered her head into the tub to hide her reddened face from me.

In the end, even though I defeated her with words, I still went on to appease her by retracting my words and letting her win it in exchange for the girl to finish her bath before she truly passed out in there.

She cheerfully obliged while having a smug expression as if sheā€™s relishing her victory against me.

I got a first-hand view of her naked alluring figure as she stood up from the tub and wrapped the bath towel on her body.

Naturally, that was intentional. Her eyes never left the screen after all.

And as expected, even after what I did with Aika, I still got turned on watching Satsukiā€™s erotic naked figure.

My original intention of congratulating her only happened when she returned to her room. Furthermore, our call continued throughout my train ride.

Even though we didnā€™t have that much topic to talk about, just the two of us staring at each other was enough for Satsuki to be satisfied. She also expressed that sheā€™s looking forward to seeing me tomorrow, ignoring the fact that almost all of my girls will be there.

Well, that was also one of her charms for me. As much as possible, she would only focus on the two of us to keep the fluffy atmosphere around us.

In any case, that didn't mean that sheā€™s against me talking about the other girls. She also loves hearing about my day after all.

And thatā€™s why she tried teasing me one more time before our call ended by addressing me as ā€˜Ruki-senseiā€™.

This content is taken from š™›š™§š™šš™šš”€š™šš“«š’š“øš“暝™šš’.š“¬š“øš“¶

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