Godzilla In Konoha

Godzilla In Konoha

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    After crossing over to Naruto World, Shiranui Yuuji found that there was an incomparably terrifying Godzilla in his body.

    “You are Tailless Bijuu? Your chakra is astonishing…. What a coincidence, so am I.”

    “You know Bijuu’s coat? I don’t have Bijuu’s coat, but I do have Godzilla Coat-”

    “Bijuudama is terrifying!! It can destroy a mountain as soon as he sends it down?”

    Hiss, that Bijuudama scared Yuuji, he quickly moved his hands to form seals,

    “Nuclear Release – Atomic Breath!”

    When Yuuji turned into Red lotus form, Godzilla pressed Nine-Tailed to the ground.

    “Nine-Tailed, your strength is too strong. You need to be fried…”

    Nine-Tailed, “?”

    “What Jinchuriki are you exactly?”

    Chapter List[ 507 Chapters ]