Seeking the Tao in the Mortal World

Seeking the Tao in the Mortal World
问道红尘, Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Seeking the Tao in the Mortal World

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    Qin Yi used to think that cultivation was all about a peaceful mind and the indifference towards fame and wealth. He is ready to abandon all mortal desires and enjoy eternal solitude when he later realizes that he is a human after all, and on the lonely cultivation path, he could really use the warmth of another pair of arms…

    Of his companions, the prince wants to rebuild his kingdom; the princess is looking forward to her heroic life; the priestess needs to experience the secular world; the “dumb snake” could use a confidence boost; and his “clubbie” wants a human form.

    But would everyone get what they wanted?

    Chapter List[ 126 Chapters ]